Most residents live in Altoona, Hollidaysburg, or Duncansville. A few live in other communities in the area, but it is advisable to live within 20 minutes of the hospital.
We have no formal affiliation with any realtors (though we can recommend some if you call), so if you’re looking to buy, we would recommend starting at Zillow, Trulia, or Realtors.com.
Most major real estate agencies are represented in the area including Century 21, Coldwell Banker, ERA, Exit Realty, Re/Max, and others. Local real estate agencies include Clyde E. Yon and Associates, Estep Realty Services, Holliday Real Estate, Howard Hanna Johnstown Realty (Altoona branch), Parsons Agency, Perry Wellington Realty, Stultz Real Estate, and others.
The Altoona area also has a thriving rental market. We are well-represented on major sites such as Zillow, Trulia, Rentals.com, Apartments.com, and others. Many of the real estate agencies listed above also have information on rentals. Local rental opportunities include Brush Run Apartments, Columbia Park Townhouses, Country Club Terrace Apartments, Hollidaysburg Manor Apartments (the most popular choice of our residents), Hunt Club Apartments, Maple Hollow Townhouses, Penn Farm Estates (owned by a retired neurosurgeon), Sunbrook Manor Apartments, and others.